Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The reunion date is set.

The planning committee from Independence met recently and decided on October 1st as the date for the 2011, 1011th reunion.

The committee also decided to make this year's reunion a one day affair and have the usual Friday night get-together on Saturday afternoon prior to the evening event.

This years reunion will be held at Jim and Vicky Gordon's ranch South of Independence. More details such as hotels, etc., will be coming in the mail according to the planning committee.

Sounds like the committee has put together a great time, so be sure to put the above date on your calendar.

If any of you are aware of 1011th members that are not getting either emails or postal mail from the 1011th, please have them contact the planning committee chaired by Roger Wallingford (Email: rgwall@cableone.net)or (Email: bearcat1011th@yahoo.com) to update the unit's email list for new addresses or changed emails.

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