Monday, September 29, 2008


1011th 2008 Reunion

This years reunion was a success, with several new faces on the scene, some of which had never been to a reunion and some that had not been for many years.

(Lt.) William Thornton and his wife Pegeen were present for the first time ever at a 1011th reunion. They reside in a retirement community in Florida.

Both the Friday night social and the dinner on Saturday night was held at the Independence VFW. It appeared that there was no official count of members and guests on Friday but the estimates were around 30 people that night.

The Saturday night function was better attended with around 68 members and guests, enjoying a social hour prior to a great meal of steak, baked potato and tossed salad served by the VFW.

The Joe Madden’s and the Milford Unruh’s were the hosts for both evenings. Following the meal the host’s called the meeting order. The local Independence newspaper was in attendance for the pictures of the group and the memorial service. Mrs. Madden conducted the memorial service with the reading of the names of those members of our unit that were killed in action and those who have passed away since the units return. 27 deceased members names where read and 27 candles lite in memory of each.

Sgt. Madden called the groups attention to the list of members of unknown addresses in the evening’s program. He told the group that if any one might know the addresses of any of this group that they were to contact the organizers so contact could be made with the individual.

Sgt, Madden then called on Larry Scott for a short report on the 1011th Blog which had been put together since the last reunion. Scott told the group that email addresses where needed so members could be notified by Internet of upcoming events, news items and posted items on the blog of the unit. Right now there are about 53 email addresses on file which is well short of the amount of members the unit has. After giving out the blog address, he finished by saying that news items and pictures are needed from the members to keep the blog active and keeping members coming back to visit the site. It is hoped that in the future that much of the correspondence and news to members of the unit can be sent by email and blog.

Sgt.’s Madden and Unruh then lead a discussion on the location and host of the celebration of the 40th year since the return of the unit from Vietnam which will be held next year (2009). It was decided that Emporia would host the next reunion in 2009. Ron Worchester and Larry Gales volunteered to organize the reunion next year for the Emporia group. Notification of date and location for next years should be coming in early 09’ so members can make plans to attend.

A thanks was given to the hosts, the Madden’s and Unruh’s, for their efforts in organizing this years reunion.

Monday, September 22, 2008

2008 Independence Reunion

Enjoying the meal prepared by the VFW in Independence. Nobody argued about the menu of steak, baked potatoes and salad!

2008 Independence Reunion

Sgt. John Logan was able to attend this year.

2008 Independence Reunion

Gayle and Roger Wallingford have devoted many hours in helping organize reunions in both Emporia and Independence. Thanks Wallingford's.

2008 Independence Reunion

Bill and Jean Messer, regular attendees at our reunions, traveled from their home in Alabama.

2008 Independence Reunion Honored Guests

Our group was honored this year by the attendence of (Lt.) Bill Thornton and his wife Pegeen. They came from their home in Florida.

Thanks for being with us Thornton's, hope to see you again next year!

Memorial Service

A Memorial Service was Held for our Fallen Commrades

Michael H. Hubert
Sammy E. Kinnamon


Earl L. Atkinson
James E. Baker
Morris D. Bitler
Gary G. Dahlin
Gary A. Dicke
Thomas J. Dieker
Wavel D. Gibson
Louis S. Haywood
Lester M. Hoff
Arthur S. Holdeman
Danny R. Jewitt
Anastrasios J. Maduros
Bert M. McGill
Howard D. Pendleton
Charles M. Powell
Earl G. Seeley
Charles M. Sells
Garold R. Slabaugh
Patrick M. Slattery
Ned Sparks
Glen V. Spillman
James Swinney
Randy Templett
Johnnie W. Vannoster
Robert E. Wise

Our Hosts for the Evening

Sargent and Mrs. Madden (on the left) and to the right Sargent and Mrs. Unruh.

Thanks folks for a great evening!

The 40th Year (from the arrival in Vietnam)

Those attending the 40th reunion of the 1011th arrival at Bearcat, Vietnam.